Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 10

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!
I got another is just a hole tonight, but I heard them talking about what fish and plants to put in it...I hear there is a lotus flower in my future -Yay!
Mike, Becky & Traci worked on the carriage porch flower bed and while they were digging up old plants, they found some bricks and stones buried. Well they kept digging and digging and found more and more bricks - all different kinds too! I heard them say there is enough to make a patio by the carriage house front door. Kewl!. Anyway, by the time they were finished digging up old treasures, I had a lotus pond! Im calling it a lotus pond because I know they will put a lotus flower in it as soon as it has a liner and is filled =) I bet there is gonna be a fish or two also..Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

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