Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26

This evening the ladies who will run the spa (yes, I said spa!) visited with my folks
(Mike, Becky & Traci). They all decided it was a good idea and they will call it:
The Spa @ Michael's Mansion.
I liked the ladies very much, and they adored me- of course!
Jan & Penny are just super nice and friendly, yet possess a sophisticated heir of elegance that is so rare these days. I know they will bring in good people to appreciate my stature and majesty. It is so nice to have so many good people coming into me.
Patty (from Tables Matter) along with her husband and son (VERY good people) came this last weekend with tables and chairs to 'stage' my rooms. It felt great to have seating for lots of folks to enjoy me and my offerings. They decorated the tables and Charles took pictures- he is quite the photographer.
The heat gave us a break today- it was the first day in a month or more that didn't break 100 (I know because I can read the thermometer outside my window :)
The new fish really like the cooler temps and played near the surface of the pond most of the day! They are an absolute joy to watch. I am feeling very blessed!

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 24

I am an art gallery!
...didja read that?...Yes, I said, " I am an Art Gallery!"
Mike, Becky & Traci spent the day hanging paintings from some very talented artists.
One is Tyrone Lewis, the other is Carolyn MacMahon. They both paint so beautifully I cant tell who I like to look at more. They displayed Tyrone's work in the 'parlor'...what a great addition to my humble walls. I am PROUD to have theses great works of art hanging on my walls! Mike brought more fish too, so now there is like a little 'school' of fishies to play and swim about. My favorite part of the day? - I am an Art Gallery! whooohooo!

Friday, July 22, 2011

July 21st

It was another hot and busy day around here. Bob and Jo put in new plants and flowers in the small beds by my kitchen...now Chef can just run out back and snip some sage or parsley for his meals. I make sure those beds get plenty of sun :)  
Mike & Becky painted primer on my kitchen walls, and I heard then saying how it would be a silvery finish when it was done...and I think I heard a mention of blue or gold too. I know it will be so pretty when it is done- just like the rest of the work that my people have been doing around here! Traci came over after class (and I think I smelled pizza) to work with Becky on the Bridal Bath...boy it is looking great! My tub has new life, the floors are almost new again and the walls are a delicious shade of Dove White. Even my trip got a fresh coat of Ft. Smith White to accent it all...wow!
My website http://www.michaelsmansion.biz/ has been updated again, and I think it looks fabulous!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 19

I heard them talking about my website, www.michaelsmansion.biz and how it is coming along. They said we need more pictures...oh goody! I love to have pictures taken of me ;) My website has pages now- wow! I feel so much more famous being out there in cyberspace for the whole world to see, no longer just for the folks here in Fort Smith.
 Julian came by to check on his fish and Becky & Traci (with a little help from Mike) painted the Bridal Wing bathroom. Those walls feel so fresh now, and the trim is no longer dull and icky feeling. Gosh, all the brides to be 'oooh' and 'ahhh' when they see the wing that is just for them to use- it makes my studs tingle to hear such joy!

Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15

Today is Michael's birthday! Not the elder Michael, but his son...so I have two Michaels!
hmmm, is that why they keep calling me Michaels Mansion? hehe :) If it is multiple Michaels then would the apostrophe go after the S? Michaels' Mansion. Whereas if it is but one Michael and I am his mansion, it should be Michael's Mansion...note the apostrophe is betwix the L and S. Is a mansion supposed to know the difference between Singular and Plural possessive nouns? Well, I have heard enough English lessons within my walls to know a thing or to, er...too? A thing or two too? Arrrggghhh, all this study gives my studs a nailache...I think I shall look out at the squirrels and fish and watch them play, I find it much more enjoyable than dissecting sentences!

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11

Today I got another pond!!!
It is so cool, right in front of my carriage porch! It was just a hole yesterday, but today it has a liner and full of water! Then I saw some very nice stones going round the liner and lil Julian was saying how he will bring a fish very soon! Yee Haw! More water is so nice, I heard Mike,Becky & Traci talking and there will be a fountain of some sort so it will make a very soothing sound when all is quiet 'round here. I love to watch the fish play! Mike & Becky also cleaned out the garage under the carriage house, and it will be used to store yard stuff. Gosh, it has been soooo long since some one loved me enough to keep me up and make me look regal again, I am feeling very proud :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 10

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!
I got another pond...it is just a hole tonight, but I heard them talking about what fish and plants to put in it...I hear there is a lotus flower in my future -Yay!
Mike, Becky & Traci worked on the carriage porch flower bed and while they were digging up old plants, they found some bricks and stones buried. Well they kept digging and digging and found more and more bricks - all different kinds too! I heard them say there is enough to make a patio by the carriage house front door. Kewl!. Anyway, by the time they were finished digging up old treasures, I had a lotus pond! Im calling it a lotus pond because I know they will put a lotus flower in it as soon as it has a liner and is filled =) I bet there is gonna be a fish or two also..Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 9

It was another day of over 100 degrees, but Mike, Becky, Traci, Bob, Jo and even Charles all came to work! I also had visitors, and I impressed them with my grand charm. They want to have a reception dinner here in the near future. My pond bed is super nice now, and the fish and dragonflys played all day! The old broken A/C units got removed from my vintage  glass windows, I feel so much cleaner and everyone said how nice it looked to see the whole window with its wavy seed glass. I haven't been this happy in a long long time, and I feel so much love from my new family.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 7

Today was Becky's birthday, so she and Mike drove up north to do some shopping (Im hoping they bring back some more good stuff for me!). I am loving the furniture and decor they have chosen so far. It was another well over 100 degree days - and I heard someone say the weatherman was calling for 7-10 more days of the same....cant someone put a gag on that weatherman? This heat is burning my rafters!

July 5th

Quiet day around the house, I enjoyed watching the squirrels play around the pond. I can tell they love it too, it was so overgrown for years and now it looks fresh again. I heard Mike & Becky say that they were going to get mulch for the new bed, I wonder what color they will choose? (I hope it is not red).

Forth of July 2011

Today I got 2 Italian made occasional chairs! I think they are antiques (yay!) - not as old as me maybe, but I think pretty close. The two new fish in the pond outside were friskily playing all day today - even though the temperature was once again over 100. Some rain clouds passed by, but kept their water. Mike & Becky watered all the pretty new flowers that have been planted recently. Im feeling so much better these last few weeks...especially after the house blessing Dr.Tom gave me. That was a first for me!

New Family

I have a new family!! I am soooo happy =)
Mike, Becky & Traci are going to make me look good again. They have been working hard on my yard, gardens, porches, floors, and rooms. Mike brought pond plants and fish to swim, Becky & Traci are bringing in lots of pretty things for my rooms. It looks like we are going to have a wedding soon!

June 14th

My floors are happy! Mike & Becky & Traci worked all weekend on cleaning, scrubbing, waxing and buffing....the buffer felt sooo nice to my quartersawn oak and heart pine floorboards - tickled me down to my joists! Lots of pictures were taken of my renewed and shiny floors. Traci & Becky also gave my wainscoting a good murphy soap and lemon oil treatment....so I smell good too!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

May 28th

Today I got a house blessing! Oh, it felt sooooo good, like a thousand burdens lifted off my rafters all at once. I feel peaceful and proud again! Mike, Becky & Traci brought Dr. Tom and his wife and Bob & Jo as well as some other guests. Dr. Tom performed a wonderful ceremony and I could feel the spirit move! I hope they post a framed copy of the blessing on my wall for all to see.

16 May 2011

Today a truck showed up - A-1 Painting it read....oh yay! I have waited so long to be repainted. I sat here for YEARS empty and alone, and am so in need of love and attention. I am so glad A-1 Painting will be making me look great again, I deserve to look glorious once more! I think I love to BE painted more than they "Love to Paint!"